
Additional services with Instep EAP

As an Instep EAP client, your employees will have access to 24/7 online help and an 0800 helpline. They will also be able to access helpful tools and resources through a member portal.

In addition, included in the Instep EAP service is Working with Substance, Sounding Board and Critical Incidents.

Working with Substance

Is a programme designed to support your organisation and employees by reducing the risk of impairment in your workplace. It involves educating individuals to make informed decisions about alcohol and other drugs.

Sounding Board
Provides managers with a channel to discuss problems, evaluate solutions and sense check situations as and when required. Issues may include addressing workplace or team conflict, performance management, organisational change and dealing with mental health concerns within the team.

Critical Incident Support

Provides comprehensive post incident support to minimise the disruption and distress associated with potentially traumatic events.

Additonal Services

Based on a client’s requirements, the following are additional services which can supplement Instep EAP:

  • Back on Your Feet
    • is a programme designed to give individual team members the best chance to recover and return to the workplace after a distressing event.
  • Professional Supervision
    • is an external mentoring support programme that assists employees to work through work-related issues and grow personally and professionally.
  • Wellbeing Checks
    • provide support for individuals following a distressing incident and involve skilled mental health professionals calling to check in on how individuals are coping with the situation.