
Navigating the Holidays: Expert Tips for Wellbeing and Joy

The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, but it can also bring about various challenges and stressors. To help you navigate this festive period with ease and mindfulness, our team of practitioners at Instep have shared their expert tips and advice.

From managing financial stress and dealing with loneliness to coping with disruptions to routines and handling grief, these insights are designed to support your wellbeing. Here’s what our practitioners have suggested to ensure you have a balanced and fulfilling holiday season.

Money Stress

Shula Newland, Instep Financial Coach, emphasizes the importance of staying grounded during the holiday hype. She advises against taking on debt to cover Christmas expenses, as this can lead to a “debt hangover” combined with back-to-school costs in late January. Shula suggests being honest with extended family about financial limitations and encouraging open communication about sharing costs. She also highlights the value of thoughtful, less expensive gifts, which can be more meaningful for both the giver and the receiver.

Dealing with Loneliness or Feeling Disconnected

Simone Kinley, Instep counsellor, acknowledges that the holidays can be a lonely time for many. She recommends reaching out to others, whether it’s dropping in on neighbors, making virtual or phone calls to loved ones, or catching up with old friends. These small actions can help maintain a sense of connection.

Vaughan Jones, Instep counsellor, advises lowering expectations around family gatherings to reduce anxiety. He suggests accepting family members as they are, which can help avoid disappointment and allow you to focus on enjoying the company of those you look forward to seeing.

Disruption to Routines

Pam Howels, Instep counsellor, notes that while routines provide structure and predictability, the holiday season’s disruption can be beneficial. Breaking free from daily routines can unlock new ideas and opportunities, both personally and professionally. Pam encourages taking intentional breaks to create space for new routines and goals, viewing each day and each year as a chance for new beginnings.

Grieving During the Holidays

Matt Cameron, Instep counsellor, shares a poignant lesson from a young client: “It is better to focus on the life than the death.” He emphasizes that focusing on positive aspects and what brings joy can help shift the dominant narrative in our lives, promoting better wellbeing.

General Overwhelm

Amber O’Neill, Rongoā Māori Practitioner, reminds us that the past exists only in our memories and the future is yet to unfold. She encourages living in the present moment, making life-enhancing choices that honor our Mana and bring joy.

Marie Stewart, Rongoā Māori Practitioner, adds that during the festive season, it’s important to breathe and connect with whānau. Embracing the teachings of Aroha, which nurtures our spirit and brings peace, can guide us through the chaos. Prioritizing self-care and letting love lead the way are key to maintaining balance.

Remember, you can continue to access help during the break by visiting or calling us on 0800 284 678.

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