
Performance Management

Great companies thrive when both their team members and their leaders work together to grow and succeed. A solid performance management system gives everyone a fair chance to improve, making work more satisfying and helping managers spot and solve problems early on.

Building Trust

Before you roll out any new performance review system, it’s important that your team understands you’re working toward goals that benefit everyone. Instead of coming off as a punishment, reviews should be honest conversations meant to help employees get better at what they do.

Start with one-on-one meetings where you discuss job roles, set clear expectations, and explain how each person’s work fits into the bigger picture. Give them plenty of time to ask questions and share ideas. Together, you can set up clear guidelines—a sort of agreement—that you both can refer back to throughout the year.

Giving Regular Feedback

Feedback isn’t just for the annual review. Regular check-ins, even if they’re just quick chats, can help address small issues before they turn into big problems. When discussing performance, ask simple questions: What challenges are you facing? Are the goals clear? Is there any extra training you might need?

Don’t forget to celebrate the wins – when someone does a great job, let them know specifically what impressed you. It builds confidence and motivates them to keep up the good work.

Removing Obstacles

Performance management works best when it’s a team effort. While employees are responsible for meeting their goals, it’s equally important for managers to provide the support they need. Be available to help remove any barriers that might be stopping your team from succeeding. And if the original expectations no longer match reality, be flexible and adjust them as needed. The goal is to help everyone win, so your team sees you as a partner in their success, not just someone who only points out mistakes.

Reviewing Performance

When it comes time for the annual performance review, set aside uninterrupted time for each employee. Give them your full attention and keep the conversation positive, even when discussing areas that need improvement. Employees should never be surprised by any criticism—it helps to have an open dialogue where they can share their side of the story. Finish the meeting by clearly outlining steps for improvement and reminding them that you’re available if they need further guidance. Always end on a note of appreciation for their hard work.

In short, effective performance management should break down the “us versus them” mindset. It’s all about teamwork, open communication, and support that allows the individual to be the best version of them every day.

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