I’m proud to be a descendant of Ngāpuhi and Tainui. I hold deep gratitude for the ancestors who have guided me to where I am today, and I hope to continue their legacy […]
“Ka mahuru te hāura, ka mahuru i a Io Matangaro” Ko Ngā Puhi, ko Ngai Tūhoe, ko Waikato me Ngāti Hauā ngā iwi. Nō Tauwhare marae ahau. Pai marire ki […]
I specialise in ACC sensitive claims/mental injuries as well as ‘high and complex needs’ whaiora (people seeking wellness). I am fluent in matekitetanga, wairuatanga, romiromi, mirimiri and rongoā Māori. Navigating […]
Using traditional knowledge handed down more than 1000+ years, Te Hopo addresses the psychological, spiritual and physical trauma many of us carry within which affects us as we move through […]
(Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāpuhi) Privileged to have trained under Papa Joe for 10 years until his passing, Ruatau has been a Rongoaa practitioner and run wananga/workshops under Te Maurea both in […]
Te Ahi Kaa Indigenous Solutions currently have a team of 3 experienced and trained Rongoaa Maori Health Kaimirimiri / Kairongoaa (Practitioners), 2 females and 1 male. We are continuing to […]
My partner and I (Katrina Rameka and Rhodesia Dewes) are both ACC registered and Benestar/Telus registered Rongoā practitioners. We started our business October 2022. Between the both of us we […]
Kia ora, My name is Annette Whetu owner and operator of Te Mauri o Io Traditional Māori Healing. Te Mauri o Io was established to provide a holistic approach to […]
I do Traditional Māori healing and have been taught this throughout my whole life from my tupuna. I am a part of a larger rōpū called Ngā Tohunga ō Ngā […]
Tena koe, ko Debbie McMillan ahau. I am in private practice and am a cognitive behavioural therapist and EMDR trained. This means that I can work with personal issues from […]
Yasmin is an experienced psychologist, who has worked with a wide range of adults and young people, with many different reasons for seeking help (e.g., anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, etc). […]
My specific interest is around understanding root causes of how behaviors show up and the impact this has on whānau wellbeing, and supporting whānau to explore and make decisions around […]